Monday, January 15, 2007

Tagged by Lisa..

What is the song which affects you most? Good or bad?

I have 2 that really get me everytime! BIG TIME!

1. It's such a perfect day - A few years ago a friend of mine was having a baby after years and years of nothing at all. The whole pregnancy was perfect [used to rest my tea cup on him :D] to keep him warm.

When my friend gave birth he was immediately put on a life support machine. We all had to go to the hospital to meet him and then to say goodbye - all in one meeting.

At his funeral they played It's such a perfect day - i still can't hear that song without bawling!

2. Simon Webbs No worries - I used to hear this song quite a lot after "London" 7th July and when i really listened to the words i adopted it as "my song" - still makes me feel really emotional though.

Thanks for the tag Lise xx


Lisa said...

:O( - what a sad story {hug} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Em said...

